
What color would you call this horse?

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I have a horse and he is colored as follows (from feet up): black hooves, white stockings with black spots around hooves, black up to the hock (like a bay), sorrel (chesnut) coat, white around the base of his tail, white stripe behind the halter on each side of his neck, black mane with white where the white stripes are, and black tail, sorrel head with white blaze and sorrel muzzle (not black like a bay). Anyone have any clues as to what he would be? Tri-color paint?? Paint?? Or what??




  1. A pinto, a paint is a breed.

  2. sounds like a nice paint or brindle

  3. definitely paint, he sounds gorgeous!

  4. a tri-colour chestnut bay paint!!! what a mouthful.

  5. Sounds like you have a pretty saddlebred paint.

    must look gorgous

  6. paint probably =]

    sounds really gorgeous!

  7. tri color paint, definitely. he sounds beautiful

  8. Sounds like a minimally marked bay tobiano pinto with white socks and ermine spots.

    If the white around the tail is just a few tail hairs, that's a rabicano marking.

    Paint is a breed not a color.  The color is pinto.

    Edit:  Tobiano, not Overo, because the white goes over the topline.  Same with Sabino - in Sabino, white can't cross the topline, and your horse's does behind the ears.

    American Saddlebreds do come in pinto colors.  

    The white in his tail is probably another spot, if it's more than a few hairs here and there.  Otherwise, rabicano can combine with other markings and be minimally expressed, as well.

    Here's a link:

    Look at the bay horse on the top left.

  9. light bay sabino.wild bay sabino. light bay rabicano.

  10. sounds like a tri-color paint or pinto...

  11. Yes he is a minimally marked tobiano or robicano bay paint.  Sorry but paint is not just a breed but also a color.  The breed happened to name itself after the color.  A pinto is actually a breed but the pinto registry allows any paint to be registered so that a registered pinto is not necessarily a pinto but could be any breed of paint.  Thus the two registries are responsible for a lot of confusion.


    The 'Pinto' was originally a painted horse of Native American origin.  It was a small horse, fine boned, and extremely hardy.    It has only been in recent years that the distinction between paint and pinto has been blurred and even flipped.  However since many registries have paint horses I emphatically deny that registry the right to redefine terms for all the rest of us.

  12. i can't imagine what he looks like, guess i need a picture.

  13. well paint is a breed not just a color.

    but from youre description it definitely sounds like a paint

    sounds like a gorgeously colored horse too.

    Do you know the parents? you can always tell from there

    are there any markings on the belly or sides? white on the belly and sides is nost likely a tovero and sorrel of the sides and white on the neck is most likely an overo that the best i can do without a picture :]

  14. Saddlebred would be refered to as a PINTO.. not a Paint (QH = paint)

    your horse is a bay... pinto. the white has hidden the black on the legs.  Overo

  15. I would call this a paint but if it has black I would question that. I'm saying Paint because I have never heard of a tri-colored paint. Maybe he/she is a mix of 2 breeds. It's possible. Anyway, I'm sure/ he she is beautiful!

  16. well it sounds like a paint but i am not for sure ask the question again and put a pic on it if you do not know how to add a pic ask that question on here too

    good luck!

  17. Maybe some sort of pinto.

  18. sounds like a tri-color paint 2 me. any chance u can get a pic up?

  19. Your horse is called a bay and white tobiano pinto.  Paint means that your horse has APHA papers, which would have said that he was a bay and white tobiano.

    He's CUTE!  Anyway he's Pinto, NOT Paint.  Paints (APHA) have mostly AQHA (Quarter Horse) or Thoroughbred ancestries/parents.

  20. it sounds like your horse is sorrel with other markings on his face, legs, and body. also another answer that you would definately be considerable is tri-colored like you said.

  21. bay overo is what is sounds like if not a paint=]

  22. sounds like a paint. but a paint is also a breed.

    could you get a picture? it would be helpful in finding out the color. but he sounds beautiful :)

  23. Hes a Pinto Saddlebred!

  24. Bay Overo, probably.

    I've also seen them called tri-color paints or tri-color tobianos.

  25. He sounds like a tri-colour paint. Could you possibly get a picture up :)

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