
What color would you consider my eye? (weirdish color)?

by  |  earlier

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  1. like around hazel i think anyway you hane really nice eyes plz answer my question;...

  2. green and really pretty.

  3. gold!

  4. You have beautiful hazel eyes. Hazel is a color that is brown with green.  

  5. topaz which is really rare and pretty

  6. light or dark purple also a silver or gray

  7. those look lik mine!! r they lik green most of the time but they turn lik yellow sometimes brown or a little blue? they always change right ? its weird but i lik it and i consider myy eyes green cuz thats wat they r mostly so which ever color ur eyes r most of the time looks lik green =]

  8. I guess kind of like a yellowish-green...pretty!

  9. yellow green!

    hope i helped!

  10. like a greenish yellow?

  11. yellow!

  12. green-p**p brown

  13. Not sure....very pretty though!

  14. green

  15. I would definitely say Greenish-Hazel. You have very pretty eyes! Some people have eyes like that have a golden tint in light. I know someone who does. Sooo..yeah.

    Hope I helped! =)

  16. Hazel

  17. You have pretty eyes.  I would have to say hazel

  18. That's definitely a hazel eye.  I have them too.  Mine change color depending on my mood.  Do yours?

  19. banana hazel.

  20. Gold!!! Very pretty <3<3<3

  21. Hazel?

  22. Hazelish, Green.

    Weirdish colors on eyes are awesome as long as its not like red or something.

  23. The first one is such a pretty color! I would die for that!! Urg I hate brown -.- lik a yellow green color.

    EDIT: It isn't topaz:

    this is topaz, it is more of an orange-ish golden, it is my dream color of eye. But you are close! lucky -.-

  24. it's a golden brown. my eyes are like that in sunlight of when the camera is on flash, the flash gives it a golden tone

  25. could be green, hazel green, or whatever others are saying but they're really pretty and s**y. thanks.

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