
What colored braces should i gett next time???

by  |  earlier

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Im a freshman in high school and i gott my braces a couple days ago, i chose the colors purple/black, in which was a terrible pick cause i look terrible haha, so i was wondering which colors i should gett next month when I go to gett them tightened??? please helpp???




  1. dark blue and normal blue

  2. navy blue looks good on guys.

  3. i think you should get regular silver because the colored ones from far away look like you have food in your mouth. but change it up! go one month with color, (dark blue, darker colors) the next with just silver, and the next with maybe lighter colors.

    good luck!

  4. Hello...You know this question comes up time and time again and the answer is so easy...You. me and everyone you know selects their clothing using three criteria and those are color of our Eyes, Hair and Skin...We do that because we want to look both coordinated and least as attractive as we can....So doesn't it make sense that choosing the color of braces should be made using the same criteria ? Now, I realize that some people have such a thin self esteem problem and need to look different in order to find recognition, they do weird things to their body and wear off the wall colors....thinking of course that those things indicate they have character and special intelligence....Ahhhhh, would you get on an airplane because the pilot had a ring in his nose, five ear rings and black fingernails....or would you judge his flying ability by other criteria...?? I suspect you would prefer a pilot that looked like he or she had an education, training and well dressed appearance....Anyway...choose the color that complements you...Good luck and I wish you well.

  5. You're a dude, so the answer is: none

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