
What colors do the guys like?

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i used to have very blonde hair now its dirty blonde light brown and i want to die it cause i ve never died it im thinking dark dark brown or dark dark red where you could only see the red in the light but in a room its dark brown. i was also thinking blonde again but then i would have routes so what do u guys prefer witch one?




  1. brunets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. i tend to like darker hair

    i don't know why, i think it has something to do with the fact i have light red hair, and from such, i tend to find myself attracted to something other than what i am

  3. I like to have blonde hair, with purple, red, or blue streaks, or just plain old, falt out black hair.

  4. red

  5. I like brown more.

  6. i like brunettes better than anything..

  7. guys like the blonde look, i think

    don't change it ...

    orr it just usually depends on the guy..


  8. you were very blonde, go really dark red or brown. It's hot, like phoenix from x-men 3.

  9. I like brunets cause there calmer than blondes

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