
What colors should a teenage room be painted?

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Im getting a new room but I can't decide what color to paint it I'm thinking between a purple or blue but I can't decide on which shade




  1. when re-decorating home, bedroom or any other room, always try to choose colors according to feng shui. in this case you will activate powers of 5 elements (water, earth, metal, wood and fire) and support all your lucky "areas" - this will attract love, romance, wealth, money, prosperity, luck etc etc

    color ideas:

    color guide by compass direction:

    bedroom ideas and tips

  2. Do you have any other furnishings to pick a color off of?

    If you already have bedding, a rug, a chair, artwork, etc. Borrow a paint chart, or bring it or a swatch to the paint store.

    Is your teenager a girl or boy? Purple is more geared for a girls room and blue for a boy.

    Blues come in 100s of shades from cool aqua, to warmer gray-ish blues. Purple may be a little more limiting.

    Its your choice, I'm not a huge purple fan (I live in Minnesota and have seen an overkill on purple because of Prince & the Vikings)

  3. If your new room is small, I would go with a lighter shade of purple or blue because dark colors make rooms seem smaller. If you have a pretty big sized room, you could probably get away with a darker shade. I just finished painting my room dark purple, black, and white stripes, so I know what your feeling.

  4. My daughter is 13 and her room has 3 soft orange walls and 1 pink wall.  It matches her sheets and stuff.  The trim is called Black Fox and it makes the room look more grown-up instead of looking like a little kid's room.

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