
What colors would be good for me?

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well i am kinda new to makeup. and i wanted some makeup advice from a girls point of view that uses makeup. sadly i dont have any pictures of me but here is some details about me:

i have the color eyes that are weird. in different lighting they are sometimes dark brown in the morning gray and sometimes they are pitch black and you cant see my pupil. when in the sun they are light brown.

i have braces

my hair is black burguny and brown in the light

black hair otherwise

i have combo oily skin

i am very dark

i am black mixed with cherokee indian and white

my hair comes down to my back

got any ideas or tips or advice?




  1. Since most of your body is The color brown :]

    You would look amazing in green!!!!!

  2. WOW!

  3. Well I would keep your foundation as close to your complexion as possible. Fashion Fair has a great line for women of color. Also Revlon has great products. As far as the eye shawdow and liner don't be afraid to try different colors. I have dark brown eyes and I wear a natural nude tone during the day at work. But at night if I go out I make my eyes more dramatic. Darker tones, catty eyes with the eyeliner, blush, and deeper reds, burgandies, and browns for lipstick (for that "I know you see my lips baby-look.LOL) Remember to take into account your color of your outfit, the color of your hair, and your jewlery. Just remember more natural in the day dramatic at night.

  4. Go to a make up counter at the mall (I recommend MAC for darker skin but you can also try Sephora or others) and ask their opinion, it would be difficult to suggest a color without seeing your face.

  5. you sound pretty

    go to a department store where they have makeup specialists. they can give you advice. or just ask your mom or friends

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