
What colour are chickens?

by  |  earlier

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i know this is random..

but i want to know..




  1. There are black, orange, white, red, checkerd ,blue ,,sliver, gold,green sheen, brown, gray, mixed colored, may be more as well.

  2. Brown / golden ... ?

  3. if is a **** it is more colorful but if it is a hen it is mostly white

  4. normally brown with some white feathers

  5. Mostly brown, but there are also grey and a little black

  6. Pink...I think.

    But the feathers vary.

  7. Mine is a sort of orangie colour but you can get other colours. Bantams(they're like chickens but smaller) tend to be a darker colour, black and brown mostly.

  8. purple

  9. There loads of breeds of chickens,the skin is normally pink,but colours vary from,a light grey to a redish/brown. Chicken feathers aren't just black/brown or black & white! Not at all!!! We had golden & black colour ones,Pure blacks,Lilac(light greys) Orange,pure whites,creamy coloured ones.... And they are many other colours! I love chooks & recommend this pets to any one! As a pair or trio of hens can be kept in a small garden(no males required for egg laying) So hope this has helped you a little!

  10. white or borwn or black feathers with probably pink grey or white skin.


    there are some really interesting breeds of chickens...

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