
What colour are frogs?

by Guest66990  |  earlier

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Iwas out in the garden today lovely hot june day .I saw something move .Out of the corner of my eye .I could not believe what i saw there was a bright yellow frog .I always thought frogs were green.or is this a rare sort of frog




  1. easy frogs are brown and green silly!=)

  2. Frogs come in all different colors and patterns.

  3. There are many different colors of frogs there are blue, purple, orange, green, red, pretty much every color you can think of!

    You might have seen a poison dart frog..or something harmless but the one I looked up was on google images and it was bright yellow.. a sight clamed it to be a poison dart frog.

  4. They can be all sorts of colours. Some colours tell how poisonous they are.

  5. Many colours depending on the species most in the UK are shades of green or brown

  6. There are a great number of different colours, where I am the vast majority are Green :)

  7. No, not really. Many frogs come in different colors. It's true most frogs found in inhabited areas are green and brown, but some are also bright colors like orange and yellow. In the rainforests they come in any color imaginable. You just happened upon a yellow frog. Congrats.

  8. The frog that you saw could of been the 'Common Frog' which varies in colour.The upper part is yellow to red, may have dark spots, usually a dark patch over the ear. Belly usually light and mottled, being grey in the male, and brownish/red in the female. Its all down to its genetics!

    Frogs can be anything from green, to blue, to red and yellow as you saw! As with most animals, most brightly coloured animals use this colouring to warn off predators that they are toxic, and could kill. Some other animals, however, are brightly coloured but are not toxic at all - its basically a way for them to protect themselves from getting eaten.  

    Check out this website, it'll show you what I mean! :o)
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