
What colour braces shall i get for my first time?

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I am a 13 year old girl and am getting my braces in about a month.

I have brown hair and hazel eyes.

What colour do you think i should get?

Will getting them fitted hurt?

How do they fit them?

How long will it take if i am getting top and bottom teeth done?

Will i have to keep my mouth open for the whole time?

Do they hurt after they have been fitted ?

I need to know every little thing as i dunno what will happen.





  1. Hello, I defiantly can relate to what your going through. I had braces when I was 12,13, and 14. I actually just got them off.

    I had pink braces my first time because I love pink. Just pick your favorite color. But not white! They make your teeth look yellow!

    Getting them put on does not hurt. But your mouth feels really tight after you leave.

    Usually the orthodontist does the top teeth first then you go back a couple of weeks later to get the bottoms.

    Yes the ortho makes you smile while you doing it.

    Ooops It takes about an hour and a half to put them on

    Well I'm not going to lie to you. Braces do hurt after they have been put on. They feel really tight and you need to eat soft foods, such as oatmeal, ice cream, and peanut butter.

    Here's what happens before the braces even go on.

    1. Orthodontist consultation looks at your mouth

    2.Next visit x-rays

    3. impressions or moulds

    4. Any teeth needing to be pulled

    5. a couple of weeks later the braces go on.

    Relax. There not that bad I had mine for 3 years!

    Good Luck and don't worry


  2. Hi!!

    If i were you i'd go for a combination of light purple and light blue or light purple with HOT pink or light blue with HoT pink...But if you dont really want those colours try out this site and see what u like.but also remember it depends what colours are availabe...Hope i helped!:)

  3. i have braces no pink white orenge or yellow they all fade and turn a yellowish brown and it ugly like blues and purples and greens and black are all great colors to get so good luck

  4. it will probably take about and hour and a half.. yes you will have to keep your mouth open but it isnt that bad..

    afterwords your mouth will be a little sore but it isnt too bad.

    you should do dark purple :)

  5. you can get clear or "invisible" braces... they are a lot better looking because you can barely see them.

  6. I think you should get purple!

    But definately not white...your teeth look yellow against them.

    Braces hurt. Really hurt. And I could taste metal in my mouth for my whole  year of having to wear them.

    The denist will probably do the top ones first and then you'll come back again and get the bottom done. It doesnt hurt getting them put on really, they use some sort of glue resin to stick them to your teeth.

    But Holy God they hurt very bad when they are being tighened :( They pass a metal string which varies in thickness according to how tight you need it through each bracket and rap the ends around the last bracket and snip the ends.

    Its like a lot of pressure jamming your teeth together. But lucky enough the pain eases off after a bit.

    Yep your month will be open for the whole time but the denist will dampen your mouth so you wont get dry and also suck away some dripples if it happens.

    I had to get elastics fitted to mine after a while, they wrapped around a hook on the top at the back of my mouth to a hook at the bottom of my mouth. They were really good for flicking across the class room! Also a friend of mine use to chew on a pen really roughly to knock her braces out of place so she could get days off school! But I dont recommend you do that!!

  7. Well im getting mine in about 1 month too :)

    I have removable ones atm and yeah mine hurt for like 3 days.

    But im getting the fixed ones so I dont know yet!

    For my first colours im either getting -

    Baby pink & baby blue

    Baby pink & orange

    Pink & Silver

    Hot pink + lightish green (dosent look mouldey cause someone in my family has it )

    Hot pink & orange

    I think im gna pick baby pink and baby blue for mine

  8. I 1st got braces when I was in 4th grade! I got them off in 5th grade. Then I got braces when I was in 7th grade and Im getting them off in 9th grade! I am also a 13 yr old girl. I would get a light color that doesn't stand out to much, like white or a light pink! If you get a dark color like dark green or dark blue, it will look like your teeth are all dirty even if you just finished brushing! Get a light color and you will be fine!

    Getting them fitted doesn't hurt! The only thing that kinda hurts is when they stretch you mouth open really wide!

    Getting your teeth stright all depends on how croked they are. If your teeth are only a little crooked, then it should take about a year or so. If they are very crooked then I would say about 2 years mybe.

    Yes you will have to keep your mouth open the whole time! But when they are putting the braces on, DO NOT l**k YOUR TEETH!!!!! Trust me, I have made the mistake many times, and the glue tastes like metal!!!!!!

    When you 1st get braces, they will hurt very badly after an hour or so! But when they are just fitting you, not putting them on, they will not hurt afterwords!

    I hope I have been of help!

  9. i think you should get dark green braces.

    for some people, getting braces do hurt but only after they're done with it and it should take about an put them on so yea u have to keep your mouth open for quite a while and try not to taste the glue! its disgusting! They probably will hurt after for a couple of days (2 or 3 days)

  10. Colour is a matter of personal taste only. When I got mine, they showed me every colour they had and I went with grey. I have had them for about a year now and I still choose grey everytime I use rubber bands (I haven't had them many times on all my teeth). I personally like how it blends with the metal. You also have the choice to get those braces that are all white, but my orthodontist told me they are more likely to break.

    It took me about an hour to an hour and a half to get mine done, but I got top first, and bottom the next month. So maybe about 2 hours with the explanations and all that.

    You have to keep your mouth open, but it isn't too bad. Actually, getting braces doesn't really hurt, they just put the pieces there. It is afterwards that it will hurt, on the next couple of days, and it'll be a little difficult to eat. It is also possible that you will get cuts, but they'll give you wax to prevent that.

    Also, each time you go there afterwards, monthly I assume, they'll change stuff, so it is likely to hurt a bit on the next couple of days, each time. Sometimes more than others. You can take a painkiller if it bothers you much, but I don't think you'll have big problems.

    But don't worry, they'll surely tell you all you need to know. Good luck.

  11. I have brown hair and browns eyes, I had light blue throughout but would probably get Orange if I had to do it again.

    I won't lie, getting braces fitted is painful. You're going to be feeling the pain for a couple of days afterwards and will need to stick to soft food such as mash and soup.

    They fit little bolts onto your teeth and put a wire through them which they then trim at the back. Then the apply the colours.

    It should take around 10 minutes to get them fitted in total.

    Your mouth will be open for the duration.

    Yes, I'm afraid the aftermath can sometimes be more painful than actually getting them fitted.

    BUT! It's all well worth it in the end, trust me. I'm getting my braces removed 11th August after 3 years!

  12. I think you should get silver or light pink braces. They would look good with your color hair and eyes. DO NOT get clear, white, black, or yellow.

    -I'm not sure what you mean by getting them fitted. If you mean getting them put on, no, it does not hurt while they are putting them on.

    -They basically just paint some stuff on your teeth (beware it tastes very bitter) and then press the little brackets on your teeth and then use a purple light to set them. Then, they measure a wire for your mouth and press the wire into the brackets into place. Then they take the colored bands and wrap them around each bracket. Once you get up & you're all done, it won't hurt but you'll definitely feel pressure on your teeth.

    -For me, the top only took them an hour. It'll probably take an hour and a half to do top and bottom.

    -You do not have to keep your mouth open. There is something that will spread your cheeks and lips away from your teeth but you wont have to open your mouth at all unless your ortho asks you to for a moment.

    -And as I said, as soon as you get up you'll feel pressure but no pain. Your jaw will probably be sore for 2-5 days. Stick to soft foods.

    You'll feel strange having something on your teeth but you'll get used to them in no time.

    After getting braces make sure you get wax, a little brush made for braces, mouthwash, and a portable toothbrush to carry around in case anything gets stuck in them while you're in public.

    I got mine monday, good luck! It'll be worth it don't worry a think about them :)

  13. well i  dont know about the  fitting and all that but i think your braces should be blue!!!!!   tell us when you pick your color!!

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