
What colour do you think I should go? Photo attached.?

by  |  earlier

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I am dark brown now, as you can see in my pic. I really would like to go lighter but don't want to look stupid... I would like some blonde and caramel tones in my hair, but I would like to try and save some money and do this myself. Any ideas who is the best brand? Or any tips? I still want a bit of brown in there so if blends in with my eyebrows and I dont look stupid...




  1. i would say definatly go lighter maybe blonde??  or red

  2. caramel hair color would look great on you. sorry i don't know any good brands.

    P.S. your eyes are gorgeous

  3. Go with chestnut. If done correctly you will have a nice rich creamy brown and your blue eyes will stand out still.

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