
What colour is the sky????????????

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What colour is the sky????????????




  1. The sky is sky blue.

  2. It's not always blue.  At night it's black!

  3. Blue in the day. Gray when it rains. Gold and orange and red and purple when the sun sets.

  4. The sky appears blue but it is really neon purple and green.

  5. green

  6. That depends on time of day and weather.

    During the day it is usually blue

    This is a result of sunlight being scattered by the molecules in the atmosphere.

    Light scattering by particles depends on the relative "sizes" of the photons and the particles.

    In the case of visible light, molecules are much smaller than the wavelength of light, so blue light gets scattered much more than red light.

    So as light from the sun enters the atmosphere, more blue photons get reflected (not absorbed) by molecules than red photons - but then the blue photons get reflected again and again until they reach us. So the blue light comes from all over, the red light comes almost straight from the sun.

    This is also why the sun looks redder at sunrise and sunset - the light's path through the atmosphere is longer when the sun is on the horizon than when it is high in the sky.

    Interaction of light with the atmosphere does all sorts of weird and wonderful things that physics can explain:

    At night, there is little light incident on the atmosphere, so it has no colour (it's black)

    Water droplets in clouds are bigger that molecules, so the rules of scattering are different - all colors are scattered equally - so we get white cloud or grey if they are dense and block light.

    The sky is occasionally green - especially before a tornadic storm - this is due to how ice crystals in the clouds scatter light.

    If there is lots of dust in the atmosphere it can change the color too - this is the main reason Mar's sky is butterscotch

  7. Pink! :D

    sometimes Red!

    And sometimes Orange..

    and the clouds are Brown!

  8. depends on what colour sunglasses you are wearing =D

  9. The sky appears to be blue, because our eyes react to the wavelength of light that is most scattered in our atmosphere.

  10. The blue color of the sky is due to Rayleigh scattering. As light moves through the atmosphere, most of the longer wavelengths pass straight through. Little of the red, orange and yellow light is affected by the air.  

  11. a pretty colour :D

  12. blue



  13. Blue

  14. Wow, first of all its COLOR and second, go look outside on a nice day!!!!

    (ill give you a hint : SKY blue)

  15. Visible light is made up of all colors which are determined by wavelengths. These wavelengths from the Sun are reflected and absorbed by chemical molecules in Earths atmosphere. Technically it is called Rayleigh scattering.

    The longer wavelengths tend to pass through the air molecules. These are of the red end of the spectrum. While shorter wavelengths such as the blues are scattered. The scattering of the blue wavelengths cause those rays to reach your eyes when you look upwards. While if you look more towards the horizon, less blue will reach your eyes from this direction (because of increased scattering) and the sky there will appear a pale blue or white.

    As the Sun reaches the horizon as it sets, an increase in the amount of atmosphere which the light has to travel through will cause a scattering of all of the wavelengths. The shorter wavelengths such as the blues are now highly scattered and have a difficult time reaching your eyes. The longer wavelengths such as the reds are able to pass through the dust and molecules in the atmosphere. They are now the wavelengths which reach your eyes.

    The Moon has very little atmosphere. The skies there are black.

    Mars has an iron oxide called luminite in it's atmosphere constantly blown around by dust storms. This gives the sky of Mars a butterscotch color.

    Sky colors are determined by the type and amount of molecules in the atmosphere. On Earth, sky color can change due to pollution, forest fires, smoke, volcanic ash, and a high amount of water vapor such as before rains.

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