
What colour is/would a Black Hole be?

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I would have said a nice beige-green colour (which is apparently the official colour of space).

Or, would it be totally impossible to see a black hole because it sucks it's own light in?

Or something else?




  1. wow, im still amazed that people think black holes are so mysterious. energy "transferred into time"? what the h**l?

    a black hole is black, thats why its called a black hole. it doesnt emit any light. anything that goes into a black hole stays in the black hole. a black hole is no different than a planet, a star, a moon, or anything else. it is just more dense, thats it. there is no mystery. there is no other side to the black hole.

    and btw, the official color of space is not green. maybe youve seen pictures of the CMB, which use colors to represent microwave frequencies that permeate all of space. but i assure you, they are just colors given to represent parts of the micowave spectrum, not the actual colors of space.

  2. IF a black hole didn't suck it's own light back into itself it would appear as an extremely bright white light. A blackhole is just a star that's so massive it collapsed in on itself. A black hole has a color we just can't see it.

  3. pretty sure it would be black, but they can be detected by warping of images of things around them, so technically, they are whatever color is around them, because that is what they are warping and that is how we "see" them. kinda like what color is a mirror? its whatever color is in front of it...

    as for where stuff goes, some say its just obliterated into nothing, some say its "eaten" and converted to dark matter to make the black hole bigger and bigger, some say its transported through a wormhole to another universe or dimension, some say its transported to a different location in our universe, some say its transported to a different time in our dimension.  

  4. The hole itself is black, but there would be a huge glowing accretion disk around it which would glow very bright white.

  5. well im saying black because its called a "black" hole

  6. ...

    Sucks light in...

    Hey, I'll give you a fact of space. You can't hear in space no matter how much you try nor cry...


    I think scientist called it a BLACK hole for some reason?

  7. It has no colour as it "swallows" light.

  8. Your second paragraph is partially correct.  Light that would bounce off of it to allow us to see it is absorbed by it, hence the term black hole.  

  9. Well, black holes absorb all light, so there would be no light reflected off of them that we could see with our eyes. No light = blackness.

    The official color of deep space is n/ color at all, name not available.

  10. Well,.. It's called a black hole because it has a total absence of visible light emissions.  Total absence of light equals black!

    Be careful not to fall in one, or it could get nasty!

  11. No Color there wouldn't  be  an light  

  12. A black hole really has no color because it sucks in light and anything gets in its path. But, in our intelligence and in our eyes, we see it is black  

  13. It's like this: If you have a rocket taking-off from Earth,

    you need to go about 75,000 k.p.h. to reach orbit. Any slower, and

    you'd fall back down. You must be going that fast to escape Earth's

    gravity. This is "escape velocity". The Moon has a gravity lower than

    Earth,  so you'd only need to go about 12,500 k.p.h. to escape.

    The gravity of a black hole is so strong, the speed of light (300,000

    kilometers per second) is too slow for light to escape, so it falls back

    in. Just like a rocket would (on Earth) going slower than 75,000 k.p.h.

  14. black

  15. It's *almost* absolutely black... but, with the existence of Hawking radiation... it might be just a twinge gray.  

  16. The Black Hole would be perfectly black.

    If I'm allowed to be picky, black is not really a colour, it's the abscence of any colour.

  17. Just in case you don't know what Hawking radiation is,get your brain cells around this

    A form of radiation believed to emanate from black holes, arising from the creation of pairs of subatomic particles in the space adjacent to the black hole, with one particle falling into the black hole and the other radiating away. The energy lost to such radiated particles is believed to cause the eventual disappearance of the black hole.

    [After Stephen William HAWKING.]

    So,assuming one particle does indeed fall back in, then who is to say whether there is or is not any colour at all,even at a sub atomic level,so the ever so slightly grey answer could in effect be right,  but  ?

  18. Black hole is a sphere not a portal. It has no color like the moon.

    Also black is not a color but a perception of total lack of light.

    You can not have color if you dont have light

    Black holes are faster than light there is no color what so ever sorry its like space there is no color.

    It sucks light into its mass.

    Unless you can go through a tennis ball I dont see how anything can go through a black holes its simply the most dense sphere in the universe which gravitational pull surpasses the speed of light hence light cant exist around it = black hole

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