
What colour kimono Gi's do beginners wear in Brazilian Ju jitsu?..white, blue, black seem to be available

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What colour kimono Gi's do beginners wear in Brazilian Ju jitsu?..white, blue, black seem to be available




  1. generally each club has its own prefrence of colour however unless in states in the club rules (that you get when you join) that you have to wear a certain colour then i should think you are able to where any colour as it is te belts that distinguish the ranks not the colour gi they wear.  

  2. In most martial arts they want you to wear a white gi (kimono) in classes, but I have seen newer students in BJJ wearing colored gi's. So I guess they don't really care, or at least that some schools and some instructors don't seem to care anyway. I would check with the instructor, that's always best and it keeps you from making a boo boo that some more advanced students could take the wrong way. Better safe than sorry, you don't want to get stuck rolling with somebody that has 4 times your experience and thinks you are trying to be something special by coming in with a colored gi.

  3. All colors of gi are available.  There is no significance in the color of the gi as pertaining to the rank/level of the student.

    Traditionally, most people wear white when they begin however and eventually collect several gi's throughout their time in the arts.  

    Often many instructors will only allow certain colors.  For instance, my instructor Cleber Luciano, does not allow people to wear black gi's at his gym.  Its just a matter of preference.

    Often I will wear a blue/white combo just to mix it up a bit.

    Hope this helps!  

  4. you wear a white gi until you have killed at least one man.  only after you have killed an opponent and rendered him lifeless can you be worthy of a black gi.  

  5. the gi has nothing to do with the ranking, you should be able to get any gi you want, typically white is the most accessible, ive never heard of a school that places an emphasis on the color of the gi meaning anything at all concerning your ranking...maybe im wrong though

  6. With all them patches its hard to tell the color of a BJJ kimono.

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