
What colour should my mum paint the patio?

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My mum is going to paint the patio in our back garden either 'Brick red' (kind of dark) or 'Sandstone' (a creamy skin like colour). We have a wooden bench that has been painted light blue and the brickwork is painted white.

She wanted terracotta (sort of an in between the 2 ) but the store doesn't stock it keeps asking me but I have no idea what looks good colour-wise, help!




  1. If your mum wants terracotta,  the storeowner may be able to get it in for her.


    If this isn't an option, the brick red would probably be the closest, and patio paving paint does fade eventually and would make it look a bit softer.  (sandstone is a bit bland and boring).

    That would look great with the light blue furniture and white brickwork.

    Maybe she could also make cushions in a colour similar to the paving paint, to link it all together.

  2. Brick red will show less dirt, and look closer to terra cotta.

    She could mix a little of each and get a lighter  red color.  But it might not turn out like she wants.

    I painted an indoor concrete floor a light cream color, then

    dripped various colors of acrilyc paint all over it--red, blue, green , yellow, orange, etc.  I even mixed some colors together to get variouos other shades. Then I put 3 coats of

    polyurethane over it for durability.  (It was a kid's playroom.)

    It's holding up well indoors.

    Good Luck!

  3. The "sandstone' would go best with the white brick and blue furniture. But I always like the red brick colour better. Good luck.

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