
What colour top is skim, trim or low fat milk in Spain?

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Is it the green top?




  1. Skimmed = Red

    Semi Skimmed = Blue

    Full Fat = Green

    We don't buy fresh milk and we drink semi skimmed milk and the top has always been blue.

    Semi Desnatada = Semi Skimmed

    Desnatada = Skimmed

    Leche = Milk

    Grasa = Fat

    Hope that helps you more ;)

  2. depends on the brand. My favorite is Pascual. Skim would be pink, semi skim blue and I've never actually tried the other one, so I don't know what colour it would be. Well, there's just one left.

  3. My milk comes in bottles.

    So-called 'fresh' milk comes in plastic bottles. The UHT comes in tetrapacks.

    The taste of the UHT varies greatly. I prefer Asturiana, Ato and Pascual.

    You need to remember the Semi, desnatado words as the colours vary with the brand. My Semi bottle has a green top.

  4. We dont have "top" as we dont have bottles.  But the cartons for skimmed are usually green yes.  Whole milk is usually blue and semi-skimmed is red.

    Look for "entera" = whole

    "semi-desnatada" = semi skimmed

    "desnatada" = skimmed

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