
What colour was the word typed in the top right corner?

by  |  earlier

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The word its self was a colour, but not the same colour as it was typed in. Is the answer the colour of the type or the word its self? and why?




  1. the word it self is not black and it was in black.

  2. okay then lets say there was a word that said black and it was writen in yellow your asking if the answer is black or yellow well it could be either really  but i think it is the colour it is written in     hope i helped. x

  3. It's referring to the colour of the type.

    If the word was 'fish' or 'beautiful' you could still ask this question.

    If you wanted to know what the word was, you would ask:

    'What was the word typed in the top right-hand corner?'

  4. The answer is the colour of the word if it says green in blue lettering the colour of the word is blue.

  5. Huuhh?

  6. The answer is the colour of the type, because the subject in the sentence is "word." Basically, "what colour was the word?," not "what word was typed?"

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