
What colour will the baby rats be???

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If the mum rat is a light brownish colour and the mum is black and white, what colour will the baby rats be?




  1. PINK!

  2. cant have two mums, but if you meant one was the dad, who knows my tan and white gave birth to dark chocolate with white paws, and also all tan, didn't know what dad looked like, r u ready for 12 babies, and having to give them away, ended up keeping 3, rest went to petshop

  3. pinkish

    healthly =D xx

  4. It depends on which gas mark you use.

  5. If you don't already know the answer to this, you should not have bred them.

  6. Technically, the newborn babies will not have any fur so they will be pink. If you mean when they get about 2weeks old, no one can actually tell you. Some will probably be brown some black, some white. Some will even be mixed with only two of the colors or all three... you'll have to wait and see!

    -Josh Luver

    It can also be a totally different color. Our neighbor's dog was black, the mom was fawn/cream and one baby came out black..sometimes it doesn't matter what the parents are because each one is their own personality!

    -I'll give you a star for an interesting question...

  7. Agoutie & Black hooded, you might get what's called a clash.

  8. Probably gray cuz da mixture of black n white is gray... or was it purple? idk anywayz dats my answer

  9. Probably a combination of all those colours.  It depends on what the parents are, their grandparents, etc.  No way to know for sure.

  10. it can honestly depend, they could come out any random colour, i have 2 rats (1 albino and one brown, black and white) i dont know what colour their parents were but all the albino 1's brothers and sisters were black, brown and white.

  11. If you don't know the answer, you shouldn't be breeding. Clearly you did no research into genetics and coat colors, which could be nothing short of dangerous if you end up breeding high white rats. You could end up with a whole litter of megacolon babies that need to be put to sleep.

    Please don't be a backyard breeder and add to the rat overpopulation with poorly bred rats.

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