
What comericially important geologic materials do humans use?

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  1. Bentonite, a form of volcanic ash, is used as a drill bit lubricant in oilfields.  It is also the primary ingredient in most cat litters.  In western states, it is sometimes used to line the bottoms of ponds since it absorbs up to 100 times it's weight in water, preventing further passage.  

    Trona is a primary source of sodium carbonate, used extensively in the detergent and glass industries, as well chemical industries as a neutralizing agent or a source of carbon dioxide, among thousands of other uses.

    Hematite is the primary mineral from which iron is obtained.

    Bauxite is the mineral from which aluminum is obtained.

    Another is diamond.  This opens up all the examples of precious minerals - emeralds, opals, agates, rubies, amethyst, jaspar, etc.

    Salt is another mineral, this one is used directly.  

    One could consider water, oil, and natural gas as geological materials, depending on your definition.

  2. Coal, Oil, various ores....

    Several kinds of rock [marble, granite, limestone {both for fill/aggregate and for making lime, which goes into cement}, sand, etc]

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