
What comes after the Kentucky Derby?

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Where does Big Brown compete after the K.D. is it the Preakness and the then the Tripple Crown ??




  1. preakness, then the belmont

  2. The 3 legs of the Triple Crown are the Kentucky Derby, Preakness, and Belmont.  Big Brown won the Derby.  He will go on to race in the Preakness next Saturday then he'll have 3 weeks to rest until the Belmont on June 7.  If Big Brown wins both the Preakness and Belmont, he will have won the Triple Crown!

  3. It's the Kentucky Derby, then the Preakness Stakes, then the Belmont Stakes.  Those three races make up the Triple Crown.

  4. Derby, then Preakness then Belmond, in that order.  There hasn't been a winner since the 1970's and VISA has issued the "Triple Crown Challenge" so that the next trainer who wins all 3 will receive an extra $5 Million, just for kicks (horse trainers are so underpaid, you know!)

  5. The Preakness, then the Belmont Stakes.  These two, along with the Kentucky Derby are the three legs of the Triple Crown.

  6. Yes it's the Preakness then it's the Belmont.Preakness 2 weeks after the derby,Belmont 5 weeks after derby

  7. Big Brown wants to win the triple crown, since he's the only horse in this crop that actually has the chance to do so (no other horse, IIRC, won the Kentucky Derby this year). The next race for him is one week from now: The Preakness, at Pimlico. If he wins there, he has a chance for the triple crown at Belmont (in the aptly named "Belmont Stakes"). The road isn't going to be an easy one, though. Three tracks at three long distances in 5 weeks is asking a lot from a horse.

  8. The Road to the Triple Crown has already begun. it starts with the Kentucky Derby. Then it is the Preakness Stakes, and then the Belmont Stake. Big Brown is the only horse that has a shot at the triple crown this year. If he would lose the Preakness or Belmont there would be not triple crown winner for this year.

  9. the tripple crown is the combination of three races.  The first is the kentucky derby, the second is the preakness, and the third is the belmont.  Each of theses races are ran at different tracks, at different distances.  I am not sure, but all three races are ran on the dirt track, rather than on the grass or turff.  I might be mistaken on this but If there is a race on the grass or turff, its only one of the three.

    If the same horse wins all three races, he or she is a tripple crown winner.  There use to be a large bonus to win the tripple crown, but that bonus has been discontinued.  I am sure if a horse does win the tripple crown, the bonus will be added into the stud fees and the value of the horse if that horse is ever sold.

    Big Brown is going to go to the preakness, where he will win unless he gets interferred with or is kept busy by the other horses.  The field for the preakness, which is the next race Big Brown will enter, has only one horse that ran against him in the derby.  The field for the derby did not look too strong.

    You might see Big Brown get boxed in or ran wide, so he will have to run the same race that he ran in the derby. lol :)

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