
What comes after the clique summer collection? Is the series just over?

by Guest32975  |  earlier

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What comes after the clique summer collection? Is the series just over?




  1. nooo, then its the clique #10==i think it said that in lisiharrison .com

    it says:

    "Yes, there will be a Clique 10. I start writing it in May after I finish  the Summer Collection. Wanna know the title??? SPOILER ALERT!!! It’s - P.S. I Loathe You. I will have your answers up by the end of the day tomorrow. Thanks for the love!  Loathe you tons    "

    i heart the clique

  2. no i know for a fact that there will be 12 but if people want more she'll write more.  

    I've gotten one of those lisi harrison interveiw letters in the mail

  3. Mmmmm, no, there's another coming out, P.S. I Loathe You. It's on Wiki. Duh?


    P.S. agree with Jakie L. Heart the clique, too.

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