
What comes first? The chicken or the egg?

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Just curious :)




  1. It is not a philosophy stuff. It is well proved. Egg, a unicellular organism is senior to the chicken, which grew out of the egg.

  2. Obviously the Chicken ...

    during the early period of the earth

    first came into existence the bacteria then after turned into small organisms/species

    which turned into different living beings such as frogs,chickenes etc...

    for more information visit the below given links:-

  3. I **come** first.

  4. thats like asking what came first....the women or the baby....

  5. i did i did i did i did =)

    the egglet did =(

  6. here is the last and clear explanation - i am not going to explain one more time.  ha ha ha

    the chicken is not born with an egg inside it. it produces an egg.

    the egg is formed to contain the chicken - it is produced by the chicken at the same time as the chick is concieved.

    egg cannot produce the chicken on its own - it only contains it.

    so whenever the first egg was made it was made to contain a chicken which must have existed before whether it came out of an egg or not.


  7. God created which will create first. so it is the chicken.

  8. The egg came first, they were around for millions of years before there were any chickens.

  9. anyway you will not select the best answer, why to bother?

  10. well the chicken didn't just pop up out of nowhere!

    at some unknown point in evolution, birds stared deriving from reptiles and eventually the chicken happend

  11. only the almighty god knows it

  12. Definitely the chicken.  That is, if you believe the Bible.  There is states that God created all the animals in their adult form.

  13. Lol it takes a chicken to make an egg so the chicken came first.

  14. the chicken comes from an egg while the chicken forms the egg so i guess there isn't any answer to this... because its just a never-ending cycle

  15. the egg probably that from some form of a raptor which laid it

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