
What comes first emotion or thought?

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What comes first emotion or thought?




  1. 8 The feel bone connected to the think bone. Thet think bone connected to the fear bone.

    Actually what comes first is that the body reacts and about 0.1 seconds later generates emotions. Thought comes later.

  2. Everything we see, think, feel and do first gets processed through the brain so we may respond accordingly.  If the response is emotional then that's how the information got processed.  So in thinking this way, thought comes first....always.  

  3. Thought, had to train for that one!

  4. depends on how smart you are in terms of Emotional Quotient, EQ. But deifinitely its the thought that comes first althought there might be emotions imbibed in it.

  5. Wow this is a very good question...almost like which came first the chicken or the would think that thought comes before emotion.....because one must have thought to process something that would evoke emotion but many times we act on our emotions without any thought......sometimes we take action without using logic because we allow our emotions to take over.....we become excited or disturbed....feeling injured which causes us to lash out because our ego was hurt....certain subjects may be touchy, some of us allow our buttons to be pushed, therefore, we become upset - "emotional"...........the subconcious mind takes over and that leaves no room for rational thought.

  6. Both. Either one can be considered a "cause" in cause and effect and neither violates it.

    Sometimes emotion comes first and then we analyze our feelings, meaning in this case, emotion comes first before thought.

    If you think about happy, or sad moments in your life, emotion will rise. Hence, thought came before emotion.

  7. It depends on the situation.  That one made me think.  

  8. emotion...Pain make man think.....thought make man wise ...and wisdom make life endurable!

  9. Emotion

  10. You mean cognition? Emotion can be part a thought process. Emotions don't happen any where near as frequently as cognition. One doesn't have to follow the other.

  11. Thought.  Thinking causes emotions.  Without thought nothing would matter, and therefore no emotion would follow.  Everyone would be blazay.

  12. Dont emotions reflect our thoughts?

  13. I had to really think hard to answer this one, i think emotion comes first because you cant control your emotions to a certain extent. Emotions like anger, love, happiness etc, just "happen" without thought and then we think about them afterwards. Emotion can be so strong that we usually do it without thinking...

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