
What comes in mind when I say....?

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Muslim women.

Please be honest, I won't get mad or anything.




  1. I'm a Muslim woman and I will tell you what comes to my mind.  There are two things that are etched in stone; we are born and we shall die; in between we do what we do, and don't do what we don't do; leaving with the opinion that assumptions are as biased and as old as time.  I don't wear a burka; being that I fear anything that is to go over my head; where as when I dress; I do first one arm, pull my shirt over from the side; never over head; nor do I cover; something of which prevents me from going to the shopping malls; I find other things to compensate, as does the blind person use touch and hearing to compensate for their lack of sight..

  2. oh my gosh.

    middle eastern women are gorgeous.

    their style is SO pretty!

  3. Nice mom that prays once a day

    I had a friend and his whole family was muslim. Nicest family ever

  4. Modesty... which is good. Very respectable.

    Edit: Who the **** down thumbs modesty?

  5. Family orientated. Modest. Faithful.

  6. Producers and supporters of the worldwide terrorism. No wonder they keep covering their bodies and very often faces as well, when you live a life of hate and extreme self righteousness, it must be pretty hard to face the world every morning, while planning and executing those plans of the worldwide destruction of every living soul on earth.

  7. Subservient

  8. I read Princess- that was about a princess of Saudi Arabia.  I remember in the book, she talked about how, as soon as she wore the burqua, men immediately started looking at her- being that she is now a woman, and mysterious.

    There was also a part which tells of her first family dinner with her soon-to-be husband, and how she flirted with him throughout the meal with nothing more than eyes- It struck me as incredibly feminine, and somewhat sensual.

    So- mysterious, feminine, sensual, but still a "good girl"

  9. beautiful & well taken cared of by their men.

  10. submissive, subservient, loyal, dedicated,modest, religious, dark haired, dark eyed, mysterious, private...

  11. burkha

    they all seem to move so slowly in those outfits. it must be very uncomfortable

    there was some stupid story in the paper the other day about a muslim girl suing a hairdresser for religious discrimination. the hairdresser had asked her if she would mind taking off her head covering so clients could see her hair. this is for a job in a trendy city hair salon. she said no and didn't get the job. now i kind of have an image of muslim girls as stuck up religious twats. which is unfortunate because i'm quite sure they're not all like that, it's just the image that stays with me

  12. My fiancee.

  13. A berka

  14. i would have to say probably the most devoted kind of person in the world and probably a good cook too.

    and they pray 5 times a day facing the city of mecca.

  15. Quiet but nice ladies.  There are alot where I live and I do feel sorry for them in Summer as it gets up to 40C/100F, they must be literally cooking under all that clothing.

  16. covering their heads.  That's what comes to mind!

  17. Burqua.

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