
What comes to mind when I say SOUTH AFRICA?

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What is the first thing you think of? 10 Points for the best answer




  1. the football world cup  

  2. Charlize Theron.

  3. Apartheid

  4. The desert, wild animals,diamonds,and The South African cricket team

  5. Nelson Mandela

  6. monkeys

  7. freedom.A beautiful country filled opportunities and exiting holiday resorts and destinations

  8. The Desert!!!!Oh even Dark people !!!!

  9. Tarzan,Jain.Boy,and Cheetah.

  10. Aids..

  11. some fave rappers

    and poverty

  12. Monkeys stealing stuff from hotel rooms

  13. My house. That's where my dad's from and we visit family there ever year. Beautiful weather but very cautious after dark, lol!  

  14. Lions

  15. Apartheid/zebras

  16. Diamonds & Cape Town...!!

  17. African Americans

  18. Sunny skies, scenic places, wild life resorts, home, family, then there is crime and corruption, but i love my land    

  19. something black, green jungle, cute penguins

  20. Pretoria.. that's their capital

  21. AIDS

  22. Animals =]

  23. Their rugby team..

    Slaughtered us by 50 points on the weekend

    shame shame

  24. Pubic hair. Looks like a south african jungle.

  25. Safari! ooh, imagine the african elephants, cheetahs, lions and w/e can you think of!

  26. semiperipheral

    advanced country


    white black racial conflict



  27. my friend tayla, she's south african haha

    and then an african savannah

  28. The beautiful view of cape town

  29. Mooi Boerseuns

  30. Sickness.

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