
What comes to mind when I say????

by  |  earlier

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  1. Money


  2. Food

  3. money

  4. That's easy POLITICIANS.

  5. Mos Eisley Cantina

  6. uncle scrooge  

  7. human nature [:P lolzzz

  8. People.

    They are the ones who are greedy for money.

    Money isn't the main target. It's the person who has greed for it.


    Money makes the world go round.

    People marry for money, and people work for money.

    People buy or sell shares for money.

    Money can be a root of evil.

    Money can make a government corrupted, as the politicians take the money without permissions, and others are unaware of it.

    People gamble for money, like in Casinos.


  9. Power and money

  10. cha ching

  11. money'

  12. Human beings.

  13. Money....The root of all evil....♥

  14. well i dont wanna be a copy cat but id have to say money. lol

  15. Money x]]

  16. M O N E Y :] pickkk mmmmmmmmmme.

  17. Money....

  18. the image of a roulette immediately came to mind, so I guess gambling

  19. People who will do anything to get what they want and that is usually money and/or power.

  20. s**y women

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