
What comes to mind when you hear the name Joe Lieberman?

by Guest32534  |  earlier

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Very interesting. Some truly enlightening answers. I have my own opinion but oddly enough, one of my own questions has caused me to question my own views. Futher review will be needed. Thanks to the people who have provoked my thoughts with their answers. Good job.




  1. Someone PLEASE make him quit speaking!

  2. The worst Republican ever.  It has taken him how many years to put together he was Republican?

  3. A know it all crook!!

  4. Benedict Arnold.

  5. Abandoned by a party he voted nearly 90% with because of one issue, the Iraq war.  Despite that the people of Conn. voted him in running on an independant ticket.  That was amazing.

    Man who votes his conscience.

    Weak in that he compromised his principles when he ran for VP with Gore.  He 'flipflopped' on many issues from his traditional stances.  He has returned to them.

    Similar to McCain in his desire to end gridlock in Washington.


  6. Determined.

    Whatever you think of Senator Lieberman, he is a determined man.  Most of us would fold our tents if we lost renomination in a primary, but he ran as an independant and won!  His constituents obviously approve of him.

    He supports the war and I do not.  Does this make him a bad man?  I would suggest it does not.  The bad men are the ones who lie about their reasons.  Lieberman is honestly wrong.

  7. Bought and paid for

  8. I like him now.Country first.

  9. A brilliant brilliant man who left a very messy party to become independent.

  10. A weasel

  11. When he ran for VP with Gore & the votes were unfairly tampered with he just said "OK, it's over that's fine". He is a snake & knows that bunch is making a fortune using our military to channel in billions of dollars they are stealing from. So he has probably been a part of it before he even ran for VP with Gore.

  12. Israel first.

  13. An independent thinker who is not afraid to do the right thing.  

  14. Napping.

    Not quite as bad as 4 years ago though.

    Him and Kerry together just put me under.

    Still voted anybody but President Bush though.

  15. AIPAC rat pack

  16. He's confused. There's NOTHING about him that's a Democrat, so why pretend?

  17. A man who was too decent for the Democrats, so he was fired from the party for not being scummy enough.

    It's really amazing how the Democrats finally perceived he wasn't one of their own, so he was gotten rid of. The same thing happened to me at a job once, at a corrupt company.

  18. a slippery creep -

    he lost the democratic primary fair and square to a better man and so he CHOSE to run in the general as an independent where his right wing friends we able to vote him into office.

  19. War monger/traitor.

  20. Someone of ethics who was sidelined by our party, which no longer fights for free speech, free expression, or equality.

    I helped fight for that.

    We won that battle.

    My party has abandoned them for socialism, the ends justifies the means, and "guilty until proved innocent".

    I've had enough.  Haven't you?

  21. Libs threw under the bus calling him a traitor, black facing him and photo shopped him doing things to the president all because they dont agree with him.

    Country first right libs.

  22. Pathetic

  23. Benedict Arnold.

    Edit: libs most certainly did not throw Lieberman under the bus. His ego could not accept the fact that he lost the primary to Ned Lamont. If anything, and you have to give Lieberman some credit for being able to do this, he threw himself under the bus - and now he alone has to deal with it.

    He's a traitor - pure and simple. We all saw him openly giving aid and comfort to the enemy last night on national TV.

  24. But in 2000 he was your VP pick.  He was Al Gores Number one, but then they did a number 2

    Spiritual Coach- if they were tampered with by anyone it was by Dems pulling them out, looking at them willing for that chad to fall. smacking them on the table..... oh look here's one!

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