
What comes to mind when you hear the words "social courtesy"?

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To courtesy would mean, being on time to your appointments. There is nothing worse than sitting and waiting for someone that consistently runs late. If the meeting time is at 5 pm then it is at 5pm - not 5:15 or 5:30. I have a real problem with that. I just don't understand why a person who is going to be late can not call the individual they are meeting and say - "hey I'll be late because...." especially in this day and age where cell phones are in almost every persons ownership. Whats your take on this? What comes to your mind when you hear the words "social courtesy"?




  1. You made a good point I never thought of it that way. Social courtesy to me - some concepts anyway - are things like holding the door for someone at the supermarket that is right behind you so it doesn't slam on them. Not asking people real personal questions unless they ask for my opinion. Allowing people who come to the stop sign at the same time as you to go first. Those sort of things. Now I'll have to include your idea, which is fine. I'm the late type.

  2. I agree, people should be punctual. Being late gives them a sense of importance b/c they're making someone else wait for them. Tell them to get off their high horse and have some respect. Next time they're more than 5 mins late-- just leave. you're self enabling them by waiting.  

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