
What comes to your mind when you think about 'typical Philippino, or typical Philippines'?

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What comes to your mind when you think about 'typical Philippino, or typical Philippines'?




  1. filipino - the people - magaling makisama (friendly & fun-loving)

    philippines - the country - beautiful countrysides

  2. someone who is traditional, conservative, a hypocrite, judgemental, narrrow minded, good mothers, suffocating parents, bad accents, usually become nurses or take care of elderly, are prejudice and talk bad things behind peoples backs.

  3. they are proud to be real Filipino, living and surviving in their own country that no one can humiliate or degrade them, have full freedom to carry like high power guns to protect their values, culture and homeland.

    No fear against all odds.......that's the real 'pinoy.

  4. one who is bright! a person who works hard to achieve his/her ambition in life.

    on the negative side - one who is clannish, one who wants to leave for abroad to work and live there and one whose life is well-patterned with the westerners.  

  5. Typical poor Malay people living in an impoverished country with a  corrupt government system.

    On the bad side, I agree to the other answerer. Majority of Filipinos likes talking behind other person's back, narrow-minded & are conservative which aren't good. In addition, being too clannish or family oriented isn't good also that's why many Filipinos are becoming lazy and too dependent on their parents or sibling working abroad. Moreover, it creates nepotism or the so-called "red tape" among companies.

    On the good side, Filipinos are known for their hospitality, patriotism & the "never-say-die" attitude.

  6. Typical Pilipino is the one who have strong cultural tradition.

  7. poverty.

  8. A typical Filipino greets me with a smile, asks about what's going on with me, invites me for a drink after work.  He could be counted on to fetch me at the airport if I call him for help.  When there's a fire, the typical Filipino would be quick to help save lives and property.  In any line of work or profession, the typical Filipino would tend to excel and surpass others.

    A typical Filipina soothes me with her voice, to take away my pain when hospitalized.   She would then help me lay down my hospital bed, check my temperature and give me tablets to help me sleep, and then verly slowly turn away, affording me a view of the fresh locks on her nape and a whiff of her scent.   And when she takes some blood from my arm needed for some tests,  I could see ample bosoms ...

    I'd better stop right here.....

  9. short with a nice smile

  10. very talented yet corrupt!

  11. Nice, friendly, good looking person. And has a sense of humor.

  12. haaa well typical filipino/a: pretty, just like me. HAHA jk.

    im fil-american and everytime i hear things about the philippines it either about poverty, corruption, and gold diggers. take for example 16 year old girls dating/getting married to a 50year old foreigner for money.  but yeah i LOVE the beach. people are very nice and sheesh i love the place! :)  

  13. a tanned, not extremely tall person, who if they live in the Philippines may be likely to take part in Karaoke!

    The video is Thriller.. Cebu Philippines

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