
What comments annoy you????

by  |  earlier

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i am sick of getting asked if my daughter is "A GOOD CHILD"

everyone i see asks the same question it just annoys me thats all !!!

what about you???




  1. Today, an old man outside the grocery store told me that my baby was going to get sunburned...on my 30 second walk into the store.

    Love the 'she's cold' comments from the old ladies as well.  It's summer.  Her skin is warm and flushed.  That's y-o-u who is cold.

    And my all time favorite..."What's his name?"  

    She's wearing all pink.  

    She's in a pink carseat.

    Playing with a pink doll.

    and she has earrings.  

    I just say "His name is Bob." and walk on. :)

    People just want some excuse to talk to you if you have a baby, and they say some really dumb stuff.

  2. People ask these questions cause they are being friendly. just act rushed and move on. to michelle (the twins). I have a twin sister, we are identical. No one believes us. we don't look alike. we have to convince them. one person didnt believe me either. if you come from one egg u r identical. (plus my mum did blood tests.) hehe 99.9 its pretty accurte!!! But yeah ur girls sound very different.

  3. lol Try having boy/girl twins and for 2 years, at least 10 times a week getting asked "are they identical??"(allways after being asked if they are boy girl )

    Think up a good answer. Mine was "no, One has a p***s" lol. Just have to think up a smart answer

  4. Any comment where people judge, especially based on the 'knowledge' inferred from the question/answer.  

    I dislike judgmental people....who died and made them god?

  5. When people ask me that about my baby it doesn't both me but these questions I hate. When your dating someone I was contantly asked "when r u getting engaged" then we did BUT then we got asked "when r u getting married" so we did BUT then we got asked "when are you having a baby" so we did BUT then we got asked "when r u having another baby" so Im currently preggies. I hate those questions and everyone, friends & family was asking me all the time, repeativly. That buged the c**p out of me. Everytime I would leave the house someone would ake me a dopy question. Im mean like whats it to them.

  6. "she looks like you both" Really? Well we are the god d**n parents.

  7. 'are you breastfeeding dear?'

    'does she sleep all night?'

    'oh she's crying....she must be hungry.'

    'we didn't do it like that in our day love.'

    'can she crawl yet?'

    Oh sometimes all I want to do is do my shopping in peace without being stopped every 2 minutes. Can you tell I've had next to no sleep lol!?

  8. What's it to them anyway.  All kids are different and I'm sure your daughter is a good girl.  Why do people need to ask stupid questions all the time!  I get sick of people telling me the most obvious things as if I am dumb and couldn't possibly know it myself.  Just ignore them and hopefully they'll go away!

  9. gee, you all sound like you are all cranky as.

  10. i havent had my baby yet im due in october and everyone (dont family ) strangers ask is the father involved i ended up snapping oneday and saying what the **** does it have to do with you, in the middle of a bakery

  11. "does she cry alot?"

    uh ... well duh! shes a bloody baby what do you think?

    ahaha thats what goes on in my mind :p

  12. how old is she?

  13. People ask this all the time about my 4 1/2 twin girls:

    Are they identical?

    Umm no, one has blonde hair and hazel eyes, and the other have brown hair with blue eyes.

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