
What companies in the u.s. stand to benefit if nuclear power plants are to be built?

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espescially which large companies would benefit in any way? thank you




  1. General Electric mainly, but their reactors are relatively very safe...nothing like what we saw built in Chernobyl.

  2. How about the American people?  instead of being held hostage by the Islamo-fascists we could actually have our own power resource that we control within our own borders.  But that would be too much for the Hate America at any cost crowd to endure.

  3. GE, Phelps Dodge, Bechtel, General Dynamics,

    Steel companies, Johnson Controls, uranium mining, American Superconductor, Intel, Motorola, banks, National Grid, other power cos, Mine Safety Appliances, Union Carbide, Dupont,

    Merril Lynch and other investment firms...

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