
What companies pay for employees' education?

by Guest34276  |  earlier

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What are some private companies that offer tuition assistance or reimbursement for their employees to attend school? I want to start my master's degree but I want someone else to pay for it :) Bank of America comes to mind, as I know my sister did her whole undergrad degree on their dime. Any other companies you can think of?




  1. My, aren't you the smart one!  I should think most Fortune 100 companies would offer this as a fringe benefit.  The trick is you have to get hired first.  Now I know telecommunications companies do offer these programs, but the problem is most are not hiring due to the slow economy.  

    And because this is a costly fringe benefit, most companies  like to have some control over who gets it, or take it away at their choosing.  

    So my thought here is, you'd want to first decide what you have to offer in terms of skills.  Then find a large, profitable company that will offer employment.  And then inquire about the tuition program.

    I've put in a couple of links to get you started on the process.

    Best wishes.

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