
What companies sponsored this year's Kentucky Derby?

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I want to know because I plan to boycott every single one of them.




  1. Yumm..KFC, Taco Bell, Long John Silvers, A&W Rootbeer, Pizzahut

    all some of my favorite places to eat. I plan to eat at all these places more this year to show support for them and sponsoring the Derby.

  2. Yum Foods.

    Which includes KFC, Long John Silvers, A & W, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell.

  3. Yum Foods:

    KFC, Taco Bell, Long John Silvers, A&W Rootbeer, Pizzahut

    Visa, the creit card company also sponsored it.

  4. Elmer's Glue and Yum Foods. I bet your boycott will bring them to their knees.. I saw you at Wal~Mart and you said the same thing about them.

  5. One sponsor is Central State Hospital in Louisville, Kentucky which primary focus is mental health and substance abuse services.  It is quite apparent however, that you already have boycotted that facility because you are either a "mental" case or are on drugs or both.

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