
What companies use Sweat Shops and Child Labor?

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Discuss in as much detail as possible about the low wages, poor working conditions, and the child labor that are sometimes found in the factories of Southeast Asia (Nike in Vietnam is well documented). What are some of the more serious abuses? How prevalent do they seem to be? Which companies are implicated in these practices? (Include Internet hyperlinks of your sources)




  1. Give me a break.  I'm sure your professor would beg to differ about your source material.  The only thing that makes it even remotely legit, is that you're actually asking for your sources to back it up.  So not only are you asking someone to do your homework for you, but you want someone else to provide the research source material.  Why do you even go to school then?  

    Just a little FYI, yahoo answers isn't valid source material for ANY accredited college...or is this high school?  Just because, "Hundreds if not thousands of people use Yahoo Answers to get homework help" doesn't mean it's ethical to be asking others to do your work.  

    I agree with Bob, do your own god d**n homework.  Learn something on your own, for a change.

  2. Get off myspace, twitter, etc...and do your own d**n homework.

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