
What company is better,sony or apple?

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What company is better,sony or apple?




  1. its all a matter of opinion for example sony is cheaper than apple in most cases and more commonly used in all sorts f technology, apple is a great  company i personally think its better because of shear quality  

  2. Sony!

    Cause there's not to much SOFTWARE for apple. I like Sony & H.P

    And Dell Computers, if they are having problems you have to take it to the store or ship it, Cause like at best buy and stuff they fix everything but Apple And Dell.

    So i would get a Sony,

    Not just casue it's better but there's SOOO much more sofware fo SONY

    Hope i could help

    Ariel A.K.A [[DaQueen]]

  3. To keep it short and sweet, if you use your computer more for graphics then buy an Apple, if you do more word processing then buy a sony. Apple in my opinion are more for graphics and design, but if you need to do a small amount of word processing you can.Both are top computers.

  4. In addition to making computers, like Apple, Sony is also vertically integrated and has gigantic manufacturing and research and development system that Apple doesn't have.  Sony also has a music and motion picture division that is an industry leader.  In addition is it the industry leader in making screens, TV sets, VCR, Blue Ray, DVDs, DVD recorders, all computer manufacturers  have their batteries that they developed and manufacture.  Sony has manufacturing facilities in Japan, USA, Mexico and many other countries.  Apple has no manufacturing facilities and farms that out that out to Chinese manufacturers.  

    I am a big Apple fan, and not a great fan of Sony, but still believe Apple has a long way to go to be consider better than Sony.  Sony is simply way more diverse  

  5. What are you used to running. Mac or windows. If your used to windows then Sony although I'm sure there is a way around it. I think apple computers look nicer but Sony Viao is apparently like one of the best laptops on the market. I would go with sony x =)

  6. im an apple girl :)

  7. Apple,  you can install windows on it aswell so it's like 2 pc's

    Hope this helps.


  8. Given the two choices, I'd say Apple... but my personal opinion, HP is the way to go.

  9. Apple is better quality.

  10. they both over price their products. But sony gives you a whole bunch of useless c**p (a blu-ray player is retarded for a laptop with a 15.1" screen) and sometimes more memory than the operating system can handle. So I would go with apple.

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