
What company will hire you if you had a felony 22 years ago?

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What company will hire you if you had a felony 22 years ago?




  1. NONE!!!!!!!  As a convicted felon myself, the only companies that will hire you are construction companies and right now with the recession ( might as well be a depression for us ) they aren't hiring anyone.  Good Luck as I know you will need it.

  2. I want to say it shouldn't effect you too bad..  i think the farthest companies typically look back is 7 years.  unless it is the gov't or military, or something w/ high sensitive security... they will let you know up front what kind of background check they will be doing.  a lot of companies just want you to be up front w/ them, so don't try to hide it. ask them if it would hinder you, otherwise you are just wasting your time! Good luck, you will find something, be patient and persistant!!!

  3. If it's an insurance company - likely none.  See, all states prohibit people with felonies from getting a license, and there are loopholes in the law, that don't specify WHICH TYPE of employees have to be felony - free.  Meaning, janitors and mail room people, also, technically, have to not be convicted felons.

  4. depending on who you apply to. If you have a felony that is in any way related to theft don't apply at any bank or financial institution, if related in any way to children forget trying to teach, or be a nurse, if related to any sexual misconduct not much can help there, if 22 years have gone by and you've lived a law abiding lifestyle, I would truly advise applying for expunging or pardon from the state you were arrested in so that the old records can be sealed & forgotten.

    Once done, have your attorney contact the other minor agencies like people search and other such type search places because I hear they are the last to be notified when a record is sealed & you don't want them out there revealing all your business when it has been expunged. If you have been looking for work this long you might as well wait a while longer while applying to have this done, & maybe even use the time to attend school or training of some kind in preparation for when you can legally say you have no record.

    I wish you all the best.

  5. Sickers it depends on what the crime was.  If it was for child molesting and you are wanting a babysitting job you have very little chance.  If it was for DWI and you want to sell insurance or repair airconditioners.  You should not have a problem.  If the crime was theft it is going to be hard to get much more than minimum wage.  I don't understand why this question belongs in the insurance section but whatever.


    for insurance, health care, eduction, CPA..,some government jobs,local police,and city job do not think about applying for these type of job.

    a lot of USA corps  do  a background check for 7-10 yrs.

    and honesty if they find you  do  have a felony ..they will not hire you at all.

    try with small business first, and be honest with them and bring a great reference like teachers, ex-employers,..or ex-Clint's.

    try to seal your record,

    take my advice , save some money and start your own business.

    best wishes to you.

  7. You are very restricted in what kind of job you can obtain. Convicted felons can't work in schools, get real estate or insurance licenses, and most retailers won't hire you. Many companies do background checks. A felony will come up in any criminal search. If you are looking for a job, maybe you can go to a temporary employment agency, and apply for work. An employment counselor could advise you what work you qualify for. I think some of the car washes employ ex-cons.

  8. Come on, you have to know that what the crime was matters.  Murder?  You're out of luck.  Embezzlement?  You're out of luck.  Battery?  Maybe.  How can you expect anyone to give a worthwhile answer without knowing what the crime was?

  9. Since it has been 22 years, most applications will ask have you been convicted of a felony in the past 5 years. Also look into having your record Expunged. Then prospective employers even if running a background check will find nothing.

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