
What comparison do surrogant mothers and adoption mothers have?

by  |  earlier

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um....this is like saying what right do we have to take the biological mother away from her child and then i need something to add on to it like adoption mothers how do they compare?




  1. Well here the difference between surragant mothers then adoption ones. A surrogant carries and child inside her for couples who cannot have children of there own. They are very noble and brave to do this for a family. But they know right from the get go that they will have to give the child to the parents that they have no rights to the child they are carrying. Now birthmothers on the other hand have a choice whether or not to keep the baby because it is there's . They choose to place there child in a more scructered enviroment. Pretty much where surrogant women dont have much choice birthmothers do.

  2. Maybe this needs re-worded... I don't know what your question is.

  3. It depends on the type of surrogacy--traditional, or gestational?

    In either type, the bond that forms in utero between the carrying mother and the infant is disrupted when the child goes to its new home. But in gestational the child is not the biological child of the surrogate, so that genetic connection does not exist.

  4. surrogate mothers have no biological connection to the baby.

    they take ovum from a woman and fertilize it in a dish with the fathers sperm.  They pay a woman to carry this fertilized ovum.  she is merely a baby sitter for their biological child.

    She can be paid for carrying the child for them.

    When you adopt it is someone else's biological child.  You are taking the responsibility for these parents to raise this child.  Basically calling this child yours.  When in fact it is someone else's.

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