
What compels abused women to take a back seat in the democrat party?

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It is very strange to witness.

But captive hostages develop the Stockholm Syndrome to where they develop a trust in their tormentors.

I guess it might take a psychologist to figure out why people who have options put up with the abuse,

What's your excuse?




  1. Because when Obama's not out ridiculing construction workers or taunting defenseless animals, he's serving up payback to women. I think he's got deep issues, but who can tell. His "handlers" only let him give the same speech. I'm surprised Michelle will let him even think of getting another dog.

  2. Very true

  3. Because the Democrats say they are for women but they really are not. They made sure that Hillary was not the candidate. Didn't they?

  4. They just watch too much t.v. and believe it is real.  

  5. haha.....Ummm...I believe it is YOUR candidate that has repeatedly abused women....he cheated on his first wife, left his children and her for his adultress. He calls his adultress c unt and trollop. He repeatedly makes rape and abuse jokes. He offerend up his wife for a trashy, topless, vulgar beauty pageant.

  6. LOL We don't need an excuse we just have to glance at John McCain's voting record on women's issues.

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