
What computer languages would you need to use to create a good website for today?

by  |  earlier

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I know html would be at the core of it all, but what others would i need to use as well?




  1. for me... just use Adobe Dreamweaver... you dont have to deal with the code... they have designer view of the website.... however id u wanna view the code... they still provide the code view... anyway.... javascript is good enough to create website!

  2., php, java script. Are the main languages I might be missing one.

  3. java script,asp r tha most advanced web design languages.

  4. This site's great for learning all about web based languages.

    Good luck and God bless!

  5. You would also need to know CSS since with that language, you can do a lot more than just tables and stuff and everything just looks better and it's a lot easier to edit your whole site since you can point each page to a certain CSS template and not have to change each page manually if you want to edit your site.

    CSS for sure.

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