
What conclusions can you make about her?

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You've worked with an incredibly shy & quiet young woman for 3 years, most of which she's just quietly kept to herself. She's JUST starting to open up to you. In the process, you've learned/seen that:

1.) She's been mistreated by a friend of hers for years

2.) She's had first-hand account of witnessing her friend's mentally ill mother

3.) She's trying to do right by the friendship b/c of #2

4.) She's been struggling with her own health (being severely asthmatic)

5.) She was taken to the hospital b/c of #4 but was more concerned about worrying her mother instead of herself

6.) She struggles with finding a boyfriend due to her shy nature

7.) She makes eye contact while listening to you, but has trouble when she's the one talking or opening up

What conclusions can you make about her?




  1. That she will possibly suck a lot of energy out of you. And if she did end up with a man she would probably settle for less than she deserves.

  2. She needs a good friend, who can help her set strong boundaries.

  3. She needs someone she can trust because she has been tramautized in the past by people, both those close to her and those she barely knows. She is afraid to trust because trust equals emotional pain. She is sensitive and extremely loving to those she trusts. She just needs a friend... someone that will help her to carry such heavy burdens, however, judging by the concern for her mother, she will not let someone help her with her troubles without feeling guilty, she is very selfless and cares deeply for others =)

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