
What condintions must be met for an object to reach and continue in an orbit at a constant distance from earth

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What condintions must be met for an object to reach and continue in an orbit at a constant distance from earth




  1. It must reach its Orbital Velosity, a factor of mass, speed and distance

  2. It needs to reach a velocity of 17,500 miles per hour.

  3. It simply has to go fast enough to prevent itself from falling into the sun.

  4. Distance, speed, and direction are the important considerations.  Mass is also critical, but unless you are talking about a large mass like a moon, then the mass is too small to be of any consequence.

    In order to have a circular orbit, the object has to be going just the right speed for its distance from the earth.  Any faster or slower and it will follow an elliptical path.

    Finally, the object must be moving perpendicular to a line from the object to the earth.  This would be at a tangent to the circular orbit.

  5. So you're suggesting something comes to Earth and then goes around it like the Moon?

  6. something, whatever it is that is going to orbit the earth, will have to be sent out into space depending on how much it weighs. Probably between 12,000 and 25,000 mph. It would take that much force to get something out of the earths gravity.

    No one has ever tried to catapult something into orbit because nothing has been invented that can send something out into space that fast, except for what launches space crafts into space.

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