
What conditions in the country came together to produce the Civil Rights Movement and why was it successful?

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What conditions in the country came together to produce the Civil Rights Movement and why was it successful?




  1. That question sounds like a 10th grade Social Studies essay question. I am helping you to get a passing grade on a test or something???

    Basically, enough people became angry enough to form large groups (such as the Black Panthers and Freedom Riders). They had well organized leaders such as ML King and Malcom X just to name a few. When they organized and congregated the white segregationists fear being overwhelmed. Riots ensued, things were burned, people were murdered, churches were bombed, crosses were burned and people were soaked with firehoses. Initally the movement was not successful but laws were passed to end school segregation, and the old "Jim Crow" laws or "separate but equal" laws were slowly abolished. Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson led the way in passing laws to strengthen civil rights int he USA.

  2. It was the age of Aquarius... just like the song said...

  3. A strong middle class, and it was the norm that they should be engaged in their community.

  4. the republicans pushed through the civil right acts in the 60's.that's why.

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