
What consequence should this student get?

by  |  earlier

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We were in info tech class 7th grade and the teacher was mean, and we all had to do presentations and we had to move our files to a shared folder that everyone can see.

So we were in the middle of presentations, and this dumb student made a folder called "person is g*y" and person was the name of the student presenting. Well trust me, it wasn't funny. He also made another folder called the p word 5 letters and another one called the c word 4 letters referring to a women...

Well nobody laughed and the teacher didn't know. During another presentation, the dumb student copied each file like 80 times and when the person was done with his presentation, the next student was puzzled wondering what was going on. He couldn't find his file. The teacher just told him to go back and he made the whole class do Micro Type Pro for the next week.

So what consequence should that dumb student get?




  1. The teacher actaully did a decent thing. The "dumb student" was just being an attention whoore. The teacher realized this and thought that the student wanted to get trouble. He wants the attention so not calling attention to his action actaully wasnt to bad.

  2. I think its a little late now.

    You missed the boat on that.

  3. Somebody should have told the teacher, and then the student should have gotten at least 2 weeks of suspension.  

  4. he's obviously desperate for attention, just ignore it.

  5. he needs to be suspended!

    thats not funny to anyone and you obvioully know whats up. open your mouth about it!

  6. Two years ago? Move on.

  7. Who cares? Get over it, you sound a little butthurt.  

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