
What constitutes alcohol abuse?

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What constitutes alcohol abuse?




  1. -when u slap ur wive for making black beans instead of pink ones for dinner

    -when u fall asleep next to a homeless guy on the way home from the bar/club

    -when u wake up ur kids to give them a beating

    -when u go to the bar across the street on your lunch break

    -when u punched out a priest because ur ohio state team lost to notre dame

    -when you have done the above and still say u dont have a problem, that u have it "under control"....

  2. Depends on where and who brought you up.  General concensus is more than 3 beers a day or equivalent.

    If it were me, more than 6 beers a week.

    Take care and good luck,

    Edit to ADD:  If you can't get up and go to work or normal functions in the morning on a regular basis, seek help immediately.  Trust me,

  3. When you're no longer able to function without it.  When it interferes with your work and your personal relationships.  

  4. It's subjective, and will depend upon your body's tolerance for alcohol.

    I'm suffering a similar problem, but I'm trying to set myself guidelines before I leave the building to drink.

    I tell myself "no more than 5 drinks tonight. Nurse them. Make them last. Look for other ways to entertain yourself during the party. Meet people. Who knows? You might come off better for it".

    But most definitely, as is written before me, if you can't function in the real world, if you're a pain in the a$$ to one other person or more, then seek help. There's no shame in it, trust me. Everyone makes mistakes sometimes.

  5. it's somewhat subjective depending on the person in question (meaning the amount ingested can vary) answer i can give is that alcohol abuse is when a person is dependent upon alcohol to the point that they can no longer function without it...their whole entire being is focused on when they are going to get that next drink and they stop caring about what is happening around them...a good indicator is someone who drinks excessively to the point of blacking out and they do that consistently...for them there is no such thing as a single drink, they can't control themselves and have essentially become a danger to themselves and typically to others

  6. When alcohol affects your life in a negative manner; i.e; loss of job, loss of relationships, major health problems...etc.  

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