
What contamination constitutes in wastewater?how can we reduce and conserve water usage??

by  |  earlier

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well, as the questions stated above, what contamination constitutes in wastewater, to be more specific, hostel wastewater???

besides, what are the ways to reduce and conserve water usages, again,to be more specific, in the hostels???

hope you guys out there can help me solve these problems......thanks a million times.......




  1. Implement a Water Management Plan to evaluate use of stormwater, waste water and potable water resources, study potentials for on site reclamation of waste water and provide a coordinated management plan for full site water resources.

    Use Federal Energy Management Program (FE MP) Best Management Practices and EPA recommendations per OE 13123 (Sect 207) (June 1999) to develop the Plan. The Plan must include, at a minimum, information on operation & maintenance, utility information, facility information, emergency response information and planning considerations.

  2. I'm a firm believer in showering with a friend. It's the most fun way to conserve on water, soap ---- and to repopulate the earth at the same time. But you have to remember at some point to turn the water

  3. Let the water companies worry about that..we pay them enough.

  4. i,ve often wondered why we don,t use the rain water coming off our roofs for the likes of flushing toilets.i would imagine that would save a lot of water

  5. recycling rain?not flushing toilet for three pees min. i know sounds gross but just think if you went to china you just p**s in a p**s pot or hole in the for hotels?seperate lines for waste?shower for one toilet for another?tariffs for anything over30 gallons

  6. I like that line from "Meet the Fockers"  

    "If it's yellow let it mellow, if it's brown flush it down!"lol

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