
What continent is the Amazon Rainforest on?

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What continent is the Amazon Rainforest on?




  1. South America

  2. The amazon Rain forest is located in the continent of South America. This site will help you learn more:

  3. The continent is America (I mean the whole continent, not only US, as many people may think),  the rainforest is shared by three countries, as well as the river, Colombia, Peru and Brazil, which are located in southamerica. Brazil has the biggest part of it.

  4. It is in the South American continent. It is an amazing place. If you want to find hotels, restaurants, travel agencies, clothes, shoes, entertainment places and all the turistic information you need, see in

  5. It is in South America, mainly in Brazil

  6. south america, brazil i believe.

  7. The Amazon Rainforest covers the countries of Peru and Brasil, both of them located in South America, therefore the rainforest is in South America. It is called Amazon rainforest due to the Amazon river which crosses the rainforest from west to east, starting in Peru and going all over to Brasil and then finishing in the Atlantic ocean.

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