
What cool things can you do with a Pleo?

by  |  earlier

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It looks like a childs toy, but this is a £250 sophisticated gadget




  1. Saw that on the Gadget Show

    they liked it. Seems like silly money for a toy to me

  2. very cute. I couldn't afford one, but would make a good pet, at least you don't have to feed or clean it!  

    Aww, I wonder if they make em in Alsatian Puppy form? lol

  3. if u look on the discover section(on the left) it shows wat pleo can do.on the interaction bit wen u click on the discover section it explains all about wat pleo can do. u can see if he is ticklish, shake hands with him, it also says he can sing.

    it sounds really cool and if u get it i hope u enjoy it lol

  4. wow it better do some house work ...for that fee.

  5. Thats pretty cool. Get one their better then a FragSnizz or a EvilFrag?

  6. Why are we shopping for toys?

    Are we *gasp* having a baby???

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