
What cost more a normal car(gas-based) or a enviromental car(hyrdrogen,corn oil based.etc)?

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If the enviromental car cost less than it would be real stupid for us to go and buy normal cars since they are a more financial risk and polluting the earth. I am no enviromentalist I just want to know. Lol i don't even believe in global warming. Let's say the enviromental cars are cheaper and global warming is real wouldn' the smart thing for the world to do to protect our ecosystems is to outlaw gas based cars and make it legal only to have enviromental cars. Just like when they banned liquor back in the days. That will be a smart thing to do if global warming is true.




  1. The long range answer is simple--we eventually will have electric cars that are cheaper to buy (unless you insist on having all the bells and whistles car manufacturers add on) and much cheaper to operate.

    At present, the production levels of the new electrics is very limited--which means the entrepreneurs marketing them can't take advantage of scale economies to reduce the price, so they are more expensive at the moment.  As voume grows that will change.

    Biofuels (ethanol, etc.) are a non-starter for general use.  The amount of crops that would be required is simply too large-we wouldn't have enough land to grow that much, not if we wanted to eat too. Limited agricultural land would drive up the cost beyond what gas costs if we tried to go that route on a national basis.

    Hydrogen is a possibility--but right now the technology is still being worked out.  In any event, it appears unlikely it will be cheaper than gas in the forseable future.  Even if it is, it won't be competiitive with electric cars for a number of reasons.  First, a hydrogen fueled car uses an electric motor, but gets the power from hydrogen fuel cells instead of batteries. (as in an electric) (which are cheaper)  Second, it has no performance advantages--electrics are already comparable to gas powered cars  and have ranges that exceed what a hydrogen car is ever likely to have.

    BTW--while you have shown some intellgence by realizing that the economics of alternative enrgy  might have advantages (which it does--and they go far beyond just powering cars), you are only going to have people ignore you as long as you make a fool of yourself by saying you "don't believe in global warming."  It's not a matter of opinion--its a proven fact and not subject to debate.

  2. Generally if you go by price tag alone, alternative fuel cars are more "expensive".  The technology is newer and is not produced on the same scale as standard combustion engines.  If you consider the the lifetime price of hybrid vs. gasoline engine you may find they are not too far apart.  You would certainly expect to save A LOT of $$ with a hybrid considering the better gas mileage and current price of gas.  

    BUT, what I am still waiting to see objective studies on, are the long term impacts of dead batteries and/ or other "green" technologies that need to be "disposed" of.  Obviously gasoline does pollute.  This does not mean that batteries, fuel-cells or other "eco-energies" are zero impact.  

    Lets all move close to our jobs and bike, walk, or commute to the office.  The economic benefit, the ecologic impact and the health/ social benefits would save the economy, the environment and solve health care crisis!  (And no commute = no need to be in Iraq  ;)

  3. if we look at price alone, hybrid cars are more expensive, about $6000 more on average. then there are the maintenance costs, like battery replacement, and other systems maintenance. as for other alternative fuel vehicles, most alternative fuels can be used on the standard gas engine, with a few modifications to the fuel system, and to the computer.

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