
What could 1-2 ounces of beer do to an 11 mo. old baby?

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Just once.. could it cause lasting effects? Any informative websites? Because my uncle gave my baby this and they said he was acting a little buzzed. Thanks




  1. First of all: breath. calm. relax.

    One. NEVER leave your baby with him again.

    Two. Call your pediatrician ASAP

    Three. Take comfort in this: when I was 12 mos old my parents threw a party and left all the empty beer cans in a trash bag on the floor. I got to it while they weren't looking and finished off all the last drops of beer in the cans. I deffiantely had more than 1-2 ounces.  I'm perfectly normal. I'm a college graduate, a mom, and until i had my baby held a steady job sense I was 15. I'm SURE he's fine. Call your pediatrician for peace of mind and to be safe. They should answer your question VIA phone or schedual a walk in.

  2. Your uncle deserves to be smacked.

    Your baby isn't one of his buddies to share beer with.

    I hope you said something to him.

    An 11 month old doesn't have a fully developed brain, let that uncle get a hold of the baby and it could affect the child.

    I wish that child luck!


  3. It could have an effect on the status of your freedom if CPS ever got wind of it.

  4. Alcohol does effect the brain, just like any drug.  It does kill brain cells and cause brain damage, see below links.

    I highly doubt you will find any websites, scientific data, or studies on the effects of giving alcohol to an infant because no one would be dumb enough to do that for such studies.  The studies and information out there pertain to adults.  However, considering how fragile babies are, I would imagine the results would be more severe for them with alcohol consumption.

    Offhand, I don't think you need to worry about any long term effects on your baby if this is the first and only incident.  However, an upset stomach, crankiness, and diarrhea may happen.

    Now, I would report your uncle to the police and never, EVER, leave your child alone with him.  Something has to be wrong with anyone who would give a baby beer, something seriously is out of place in your uncle's mind.  

  5. Why did your uncle give your baby beer?! I know accidents can happen and a baby could maybe get a hold of a bottle of beer and get a few drinks in before anyone notices but...He gave it to your baby!!!? If thats the case I would turn him in!!! Good luck!!!

  6. LOL. It probably won't have any lasting effects  -- but make sure everyone knows it should NOT happen again. Don't worry about it but avoid situations where it could happen and make sure you are clear that it is not acceptable.

  7. your baby will be fine but I would not be leaving him with whoever you did that would allow this. I would go psycho at anyone that gave my kids beer

  8. your baby is fine my father used to give me his beer bottle to drink when i was younger i have pictures of me chugging a beer lol hes not going to be harmed but watch out if he liked it then him might remember what the can looks like and grab it off a kitchen counter one day and just drink til he finds another thing to mess in

  9. Well for 1 I would NEVER leave my baby alone with HIM again!!  I don't think it would do anything but I would keep an eye on him!!

  10. Someone needs to call protective services on you.  

  11. your uncle endangered your child by doing that.  i don't think there will be long term effects, but don't ever, EVER leave your child with him again.

  12. There may not be any long term effects from this one incident but don't let it happen again.  Ever.  Your baby is still developing and shouldn't be given ANYTHING that will delay his development.   Don't trust your baby with your uncle.  If he did this once, he'll do it again.  Sheesh!

  13. While a few small sips of beer or wine may not seem like much for a 170 lb. adult, that amount can have significant effects in an 11 month old. It would probably take only two ounces (about seven child-sized mouthfuls) to reach a blood-alcohol level that exceeds the legal limit for driving! While a 11 month old isn't going to drive, he could get drunk very easily from these short sips.

    Alcohol has very specific effects on the body that can be particularly harmful to a child. It causes the blood sugar to fall to levels that can cause irritability, confusion, and even seizures. It lowers the body temperature, and since children's bodies have such a large surface area relative to their weight, they lose heat rapidly and can become hypothermic very easily. Additionally, alcohol has very direct effects on the brain. Since most of a person's brain growth occurs during the first few years of life, repeated exposure to alcohol could interfere with brain growth and cause delayed development and lowered intelligence.

    I suggest you stop leaving your child with your uncle unattendeded...simple state that you would not like your child exposed to alchohol at such a young age especially trying it himself..

  14. What was he thinking?  You should address this with your pediatrician because there isn't any amount of beer that is alright for an infant, a toddler, a teen, just not.  This is abusive to your child and not only would I never allow this foolish buzzard to even look at a picture of my child again, I would turn him in.


    Unless you are an irresponsible parent, never is there an "accidental" consumption of alcohol for a child.  

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