
What could 200 college science students do to better the environment?

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Well this is a question my science teacher asked the class the other day,and i thought i would get some great answers here in the YA! community.




  1. i'd say recycle, if you think about it, theres 200 students, which means 200 lunch wrappers, every school day, 200 bits of plastic recycled will make a difference

  2. The most important single thing you can do is to educate yourselves.

    Learning the little things associated with your daily activities as individuals is the first step. Talking to the other 199 students about what you're doing to improve is the second step.

    Holding each other accountable is the next.

    After you talk to your peers, talk to your family and friends.

    one thing that has been a real benefit to me in this is to "brag" about my successes rather than "preach" about others failings.

    Even when other don't do everything they could be doing, every single effort they make combined with the collective efforts of 200 students and then 200 families and then 200 towns... well, it adds up to a h**l of an impact.

    The fact that you asked is reason enough to pat you and the others on the back.

    One more thing. I run and environmental office for a small town and I can use all the help I can get...

    ...ask about volunteer opportunities. I have plenty of them and I'm sure that your local Storm Water program coordinator does as well.

    We all live down stream and if you live respecting that idea, then you are making a difference already.


  3. If we could get a group of 200 young people to recycle, it could help clean up their area. You'd be surprised how much a group of people can do if they work towards a common goal. One thing that I could picture them doing is traveling around to different schools and groups giving brief orientations on the environmental problems and how we, as a community, can help solve them.

    Little children really look up to older students... much more than they do to adults.

    Young people are huge fans of youtube and great at computers. They could create a string of youtube videos to help raise awareness.

    There is really a large amount of things a group of science students can do to help better the environment, and raze awareness about the environmental problems.

  4. they text instead of using telephones.They never pay attention in class, so they save paper. My bad, I've only observed 200 college students.

    I'm sure science students would be better.  

  5. Drive cars that run on natural gas (methane) instead of gasoline! Much better for the environment and cheaper to fill up, too. It's 87 cents a gallon where I live. Hopefully you're in a place that has a nat. gas filling station somewhere nearby. I'll list sources so you can check it out for yourself. Good luck!

  6. You could work to transform your campus to one of greater Ecological Literacy.

    A good starting place: David Orr. "Liberal Arts, the Campus, and the Biosphere: An Alternative to Bloom's Vision of Education." In Ecological Literacy: Education and the Transition to a Postmodern World. 1992. State University of New York Press. (pp. 97-108).

    Actually, the whole book is pretty good for transformative ideas.

  7. everyone recycle something..plant a water or energy....something that'll have an impact in 10 years!

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