
What could I do about my husband masterbating?

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I think my husband is addicted to masterbating I found c-- stains on his underware, on are bed sheets. I even walked in on him using my lotion and gel sock




  1. You are right!!!!  Its extreme, and NOT everyone views it as just an oh well thing...And when someone is going far overboard w/ anything in life, they are failing to exercise self-control.  Talk to him about it, in a calm and kind way...the last thing you want is to embarass him, but you do need to make your point and your feelings clear to him.  Ask him WHY he feels he needs this habit so much?  And see if the two of you can reach a solution that will be healthy on the marriage.  I can understand your position on this.  And I wish you success.  Take care.

  2. I think its no problem too, think about it as "another kind of fun" for him. Masturbation and s*x can be very different joys to some men...

    i think u can ask him this question urself ... and if he's not that shy, ask him even to do infront of u... it can be fun for both of u ;)

  3. i would be kinda upset too... you need to talk to him and tell him how you feel about this.... and see if there is something you two can go TOGETHER..... i say a good long talk would help alot...

  4. offer to help him do it.

  5. JOIN HIM !!

  6. Obviously he has to learn to clean up after himself better...

  7. have s*x with him more often

  8. I can't say all guys do it all the time, but.  You as a wife needs to have s*x with him more.  Not only s*x but all the four play also.  Open up and just please each other.  Have fun and explore each others bodies.  Try lubes and s*x toys.  That is what keeps a marriage healthy.  Your husband also needs to please you also.  It's not just a one way road.  If he likes masturbating so much, they you give him a good hand job.  Use plenty of lube.  

    Just have fun.  Life is too short not to.

    Good luck and enjoy your husband.  Just have fun with him.  

  9. Why is this a problem?

    Masturbation is normal and some people have a higher s*x drive then others.

    Either you can join him when you catch him, or let him be. He could be doing worse things.  

  10. let him ,not unless you want him to go f%$k a lose bit%h

  11. make yourself more available :-)

  12. there's nothing you can do about it. he is going to do it whether you approve or not.

    what's the problem? his masturbating is no reflection on you as a wife. it's what guys do whether they are in a relationship or not. don't make a big deal about it. watch him, join in. it's all good fun.


  13. No ur husband is not addicted.But it is normal way of doing such s* husband is also doing this and i enjoy my self to looking his erected p***s.I rub it with my hand & mouth and give him full pleasure.

    He like this type of s*x only.So i also started to open in front of him and he is then sucking my pussey with his tongue& rubbing with hand.

    I also like and we always do this.

  14. yes he may be addicted. But isn't it better for him to be doing that than poking it elsewhere. Join him, say...O what a big boy you are" etc etc.

  15. its totally normal and u should be the one satisfying him he shouldnt hav to satsfy himself when ur married!

  16. Learn to spell "Masturbating" and then just get over it. All guys do it, and if your husband is doing it a lot then either he needs to do it in order to relax or you are not seeing to his sexual needs. Either way you should be understanding and not see it as a problem of his.

  17. First off, don't buy what everyone is telling you about masturbation being "normal."  It STOPPED being "normal" when he MARRIED you!  

    You, my dear, unfortunately, married someone who LOVES himself a little TOO much and far TOO literally.  *shrug*  As others have suggested, approaching him about this and ASKING him if he needs ANY help may be a decent solution for all involved.

    Put a box of tissue next to the bed if you're getting frustrated with him leaving EVERYTHING stained with his seed!  *laughter*

  18. regular s*x and making him urge on u would be a good step to proceed.

    Recently I visited a site which had a lots of tips and health related articles. I forgot the exact article number. But i think u can find it using the search option in the site.

    Health Capsule - A place where you can feel and learn about your celestial body & soul



    Ashok Gunasekaran


  19. have regular s*x, that way he "might" feel inclined to m********e less. Or simply ask him to cut back a little. If you really feel like it, you could bribe him.

  20. satisfy him

    bring a friend

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